Refund Policy

SUVY Classes are generally non-refundable after the start of the second class. Refunds are only offered in the following cases:

  • Upon a failure of SUVY to provide classes at the start of, or over the course of any package of paid classes for the student. In case any disruption is received with regards to discontinuation of a tutor in the middle of a course, SUVY team will find a replacement tutor within 14 days and compensate all missed classes in the interim, with extra make-up sessions. In case of failure of this on the part of SUVY Classes, a refund will be issued for the missed classes and all remaining classes in the package, no questions asked.
  • A refund also can be requested in case the student suffers from an unexpected adverse event involving a medical issue or emergency that prevents them from attending classes. In this case, an email can be sent with evidence about the issue and refund for all remaining classes will be processed.
  • For one-on-one class packages of duration longer than 6 months, if the parent feels that there is no improvement in the child’s learning progress after 6 months, they can request a refund for the remaining duration of the course.
  • If the parent feels that circumstances are exceptional and refunds are necessary, they can contact our team and refund requests will be processed on a case-by-case basis.

To request a refund, please email our team at with subject line “Refunds: Student Name”. Our Refunds Team will contact you to request further details and process the refunds at the earliest.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.